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Code Of Conduct And Standards

In Scotland, since 2007, councillors have acquired a salary of £15,000, as opposed to a collection of allowances. These are often topped up by special responsibility allowances. We also use cookies set by different sites to assist us deliver content material from their services. In order to know and symbolize local views and priorities, you need to build robust relationships and encourage local folks to make their views recognized and interact with you and the council. Good communication and engagement is central to being an efficient councillor. In Belgium, a member of the municipal council is called a gemeenteraadslid in Dutch, and Conseiller Communal in French.


Someone out of this group who’s elected to serve on the municipal govt is known as a schepen in Dutch or échevin in French. This is usually translated as “alderman” or “councillor” in English. The municipal government is referred to collectively as the College van Burgemeester en Schepenen ou Collège du Bourgmestre et Echevins. In the Netherlands, a member of the municipal council is known as a gemeenteraadslid or raadslid. Someone out of this group who’s elected to serve on the municipal government is called a wethouder, which is often translated as ‘alderman’ or ‘councillor’. This is expressed in English as “mayor” or “burgomaster”.

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